Corvette Assembly Plant Built 124 New C8 Corvettes on Tuesday

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Corvette Assembly Plant Built 124 New C8 Corvettes on Tuesday

Photo Credit: Keith Cornett

On Tuesday morning we had reached out to the Corvette Assembly Plant in Bowling Green and confirmed that both shifts were back to work for the first full day of production since a tornado hit the plant on December 11th.

This morning, we’ve doubled back to get the total production count of new Corvettes built yesterday and that number is 124! According to to the C8 Corvette Owners group on Facebook, the plant completed VINs 10,033-10,156.

We are also hearing that the production numbers should be greater today and by Thursday we are hoping to see the plant return to full production of 180+ Corvettes over the course of the two shifts.

Workers at the assembly plant will have Friday off for Christmas Eve as well as the entire next week off for the annual Christmas/New Years’ production break, and then they will return to work on Monday, January 3rd.

Again, we can’t say enough about how appreciative we are of all those who work at the Corvette Assembly Plant and are building our Corvette dream machines. Merry Christmas to all!

C8 Corvette Owners

Corvette Assembly Plant Resumes Normal Operations on Tuesday with Both Shifts Reporting for Work
Corvette Assembly Plant is On Track to Return to Work on December 20th
[VIDEO] Corvette Assembly Plant Catches Fire After EF-2 Tornado Strikes Bowling Green Overnight

/* custom css */{ text-align: center; }.tdi_3 .td-element-style{ z-index: -1; }{ text-align: left; } img{ margin: 0 auto 0 0; }@media (max-width: 767px) { { text-align: center; } }

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[PICS] The New Hypersonic Gray Is On Display This Week at Corvettes at Carlisle

[PICS] Hypersonic Gray On Display This Week at Corvettes at Carlisle

Photo Credit: Mike Furman

We got confirmation this morning from our friend Mike Furman that the new Hypersonic Gray exterior will be on display at this week’s Corvettes at Carlisle show.

Mike has already hit the ground at the Carlisle Fairgrounds and caught sight of the new exterior color on a 2022 Corvette parked in the Chevy Engineers tent. The good news is that it is being presented on the first special editions of the C8 era – the 2022 Corvette IMSA GTLM Championship Edition C8.R.

[PICS] The New Hypersonic Gray Is On Display This Week at Corvettes at Carlisle

In addition to Hypersonic Gray, a 2022 Corvette Stingray wearing the new Amplify Orange is also under the tent. That color broke cover two weeks ago at a Bowling Green Job Fair and then later spied at the Corvette Assembly Plant.

2022 Amplify Orange
2022 Amplify Orange

That leaves only Caffeine Metallic as the third new color of 2022 that hasn’t yet been spotted in public, but we are hoping it shows up on one of the Chevy engineers CTF cars that they are bringing to Carlisle.

Thanks again Mike for the pics!

Mike Furman via

Chevrolet Will Offer a Corvette C8.R Special Edition for 2022
[PICS] First Look at the New Amplify Orange on a 2022 Corvette Stingray
[PICS] Chevrolet Shares New Photos of the Three New Colors for the 2022 Corvette

New Details on the C8 Corvette Launch Editions for the U.K.

New Details on the C8 Corvette Launch for the U.K.

This week we’ve been lucky to come across new information related to the C8 Corvette as Chevy is working to begin exporting the Right-Hand-Drive (RHD) Corvettes to the U.K., Japan, and other countries later this year.

Today we have some information that is directly related to the C8 Corvette Launch for the United Kingdom. Chevrolet announced last year that a special “Launch Edition” model would be made available for the market and now we have the specifics on what the launch edition will include.

From Chevrolet’s U.K. Marketing Bulletin:

The first production months of the European Corvette Stingray will be reserved for an exclusive launch edition. It will be a fully-equipped Stingray, featuring high-performance equipment and distinctive design elements, and available in 16 individual interior/exterior color combinations: 8 Coupe and 8 Convertible versions.

Both Coupe and Convertible will be equipped standard with desirable equipment, such as the Magnetic Ride Control and the highest interior trim available, including premium carbon-fiber details. The exterior design will be elevated by Carbon Flash-painted elements, such as wheels, rear spoiler, and outside mirrors. The Convertible will include roof and nacelles painted in Carbon Flash. The Coupe will be equipped with Competition Sears whereas the Convertible will feature GT2 seats.

To elevate the driving experience even more, each launch edition (Coupe and Convertible) can be delivered with the new optional feature that is for the first time available on a Corvette: E60 Front Lift. This feature raises the front of the vehicle approximately 50 mm in less than 3 seconds at lower speeds (*up to 35 km/h).

Right Hand Drive C8 Corvette Interior

To recap, each of the Launch Editions are 3LT trims with Magnetic Ride Control and the Z51 Performance Package. Customers will be able to select the exterior color and whether or not they want the optional Front Lift. Both models feature Nappa leather with seating surfaces and steering wheel in sueded microfiber, along with the carbon fiber interior trim.

The Launch Editions have a standardized color palette based on the Exterior choice. Note that that guide we have has substituted the new 2022 internal GM color names for the soon-to-be-retired Sebring Orange, Shadow Gray, and Zeus Bronze:

C8 Corvette Coupe Configurations:

  • Arctic White: Jet Black Interior, Black Seatbelts, Black Calipers, No Stitching.
  • Black: Jet Black interior, Torch Red Seatbelts, Bright Red Calipers, Adrenaline Red Stitching.
  • Torch Red: Adrenaline Red Interior, Torch Red Seat Belts, Bright Red Calipers, No Stitching
  • Hypersonic Gray: Natural Interior, Tan Seat Belts, Edge Red Calipers, No Stitching.
  • Rapid Blue: Jet Black Interior, Tension Blue Seats, Yellow Brake Calipers, No Stitching.
  • Elkhart Lake Blue: Adrenaline Red Interior, Black Seat Belts, Bright Red Calipers, No Stitching.
  • Accelerate Yellow: Jet Black Interior, Yellow Seat Belts, Yellow Brake Calipers, Yellow Stitching.
  • Ceramic Matrix Gray: Jet Black Interior, Yellow Seat Belts, Yellow Brake Calipers, Yellow Stitching.

C8 Corvette Convertible Configurations:

  • Torch Red: Jet Black Interior, Black Seat Belts, Black Brake Calipers, No Stitching
  • Arctic White: Sky Cool Gray two-tone Interior, Black Seat Belts, Edge Red Brake Calipers, No Stitching.
  • Silver Flare: Adrenaline Red two-tone Interior, Black Seat Belts, Bright Red Brake Calipers, No Stitching.
  • Caffeine Brown: Natural two-tone Interior, Black Seat Belts, Black Brake Calipers, No Stitching.
  • Rapid Blue: Sky Cool Gray Interior, Tension Blue Seat Belts, Black Brake Calipers, No Stitching.
  • Elkhart Lake Blue: Natural Interior, Tan Seat Belts, Black Brake Calipers, No Stitching.
  • Mist Red: Sky Cool Gray two-tone Interior, Black Seat Belts, Edge Red Calipers, No Stitching.
  • Amplify Orange: Jet Black Interior, Orange Seat Belts, Black Brake Calipers, No Stitching.

Once the Launch roll-out period is completed, buyers in the United Kingdom will be able to purchase a 2LT version as the standard version with choice of seats (GT1, GT2, or Competition) with the Z51 Performance Package offered as standard equipment. The optional 3LT version will allow additional colors and custom leather-wrapped interiors along with a choice of GT2 or Competition seats.

Last year, Chevrolet Europe announced the list prices for the generously equipped launch edition models will start in the UK at £81,700 ($115,049.94 USD) for the coupe and at £87,110 ($122,668.30 USD) for the convertible. As it’s been nearly a year since this was posted, we are not sure if the pricing will stay as listed.

Ordering details for the Launch Edition are not presented, but the person we spoke with suggested that orders could open within the next month or two with the first deliveries coming sometime later this fall. However, that is not yet set in stone.

Ian Allan Motors is the authorized distributor for Chevrolet in the United Kingdom. For questions about ordering your own C8 Corvette Launch Edition, contact them at [email protected] or visit

The Launch Edition configurations are the exact same configurations posted by the Corvette Prague dealership where we learned about the new 2022 Corvette exterior colors, and so we assume these configurations will be used throughout Europe with the only difference being the United Kingdom received Right-Hand-Drive vehicles while the rest of the continent will get the standard LHD configuration.


Here are the Internal GM Names for the New Exterior Colors on the 2022 Corvette
Corvettes for Sale: First 2020 Corvette Stingray Touches Down in the U.K.
Chevrolet to Offer Specially-Equipped ‘Launch Edition’ C8 Corvettes for Europe in 2021

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